两表使用nest loop(以下简称NL)方式进行连接,小表驱动大表效率高,这似乎是大家的共识,但事实上这是有条件的,并不总是成立。这主要看大表扫描关联字段索引后返回多少数据量,是否需要回表,如果大表关联后返回大量数据,然后再回表,这个代价就会很高,大表处于被驱动表的位置可能就不是最佳选择了。
mysql> show create table bmsql_warehouse\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: bmsql_warehouse
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `bmsql_warehouse` (
`w_id` int NOT NULL,
`w_ytd` decimal(12,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_tax` decimal(4,4) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_street_1` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_street_2` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_city` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_state` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`w_zip` char(9) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`w_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
mysql> show create table bmsql_order_line\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: bmsql_order_line
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `bmsql_order_line` (
`ol_w_id` int NOT NULL,
`ol_d_id` int NOT NULL,
`ol_o_id` int NOT NULL,
`ol_number` int NOT NULL,
`ol_i_id` int NOT NULL,
`ol_delivery_d` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ol_amount` decimal(6,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`ol_supply_w_id` int DEFAULT NULL,
`ol_quantity` int DEFAULT NULL,
`ol_dist_info` char(24) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`ol_w_id`,`ol_d_id`,`ol_o_id`,`ol_number`),
KEY `ol_stock_fkey` (`ol_supply_w_id`,`ol_i_id`),
KEY `ol_d_id` (`ol_d_id`),
CONSTRAINT `ol_order_fkey` FOREIGN KEY (`ol_w_id`, `ol_d_id`, `ol_o_id`) REFERENCES `bmsql_oorder` (`o_w_id`, `o_d_id`, `o_id`),
CONSTRAINT `ol_stock_fkey` FOREIGN KEY (`ol_supply_w_id`, `ol_i_id`) REFERENCES `bmsql_stock` (`s_w_id`, `s_i_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
select * from bmsql_order_line a join bmsql_warehouse b on a.ol_d_id=b.w_id
where a.ol_dist_info like 'a%' and b.w_ytd =300000.00;
mysql> explain analyze select * from bmsql_order_line a join bmsql_warehouse b on a.ol_d_id=b.w_id
-> where a.ol_dist_info like 'a%' and b.w_ytd =300000.00;
| -> Nested loop inner join (cost=396352.21 rows=323755) (actual time=11.542..19705.922 rows=115207 loops=1)
-> Filter: (b.w_ytd = 300000.00) (cost=1.15 rows=9) (actual time=0.780..0.893 rows=10 loops=1)
-> Table scan on b (cost=1.15 rows=9) (actual time=0.743..0.810 rows=10 loops=1)
-> Filter: (a.ol_dist_info like 'a%') (cost=12059.95 rows=35973) (actual time=1.401..1969.304 rows=11521 loops=10)
-> Index lookup on a using ol_d_id (ol_d_id=b.w_id) (cost=12059.95 rows=323788) (actual time=1.388..1833.176 rows=300209 loops=10)
1 row in set (20.31 sec)
mysqlb> explain analyze select /*+ join_order(a,b) */ * from bmsql_order_line a join bmsql_warehouse b on a.ol_d_id=b.w_id where a.ol_dist_info like 'a%' and b.w_ytd =300000.00;
| -> Nested loop inner join (cost=408609.87 rows=323755) (actual time=1.374..4696.931 rows=115207 loops=1)
-> Filter: (a.ol_dist_info like 'a%') (cost=295295.55 rows=323755) (actual time=1.036..4614.585 rows=115207 loops=1)
-> Table scan on a (cost=295295.55 rows=2914088) (actual time=0.937..4275.678 rows=3002091 loops=1)
-> Filter: (b.w_ytd = 300000.00) (cost=0.25 rows=1) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=115207)
-> Single-row index lookup on b using PRIMARY (w_id=a.ol_d_id) (cost=0.25 rows=1) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=115207)
1 row in set (4.79 sec)
其实这属于两表关联,返回大量数据的SQL,在MySQL8.0版本可以控制优化器使用 hash join,走 hash join的效率会比NL要高。忽略两表关联字段上的索引,让优化器选择走 hash join。
mysql> explain analyze select * from bmsql_order_line a ignore index(ol_d_id) join bmsql_warehouse b ignore index(primary) on a.ol_d_id=b.w_id where a.ol_dist_info like 'a%' and b.w_ytd =300000.00;
| -> Inner hash join (a.ol_d_id = b.w_id) (cost=295489.08 rows=3997) (actual time=0.428..3586.047 rows=115207 loops=1)
-> Filter: (a.ol_dist_info like 'a%') (cost=29634.41 rows=35973) (actual time=0.155..3549.633 rows=115207 loops=1)
-> Table scan on a (cost=29634.41 rows=2914088) (actual time=0.133..2747.262 rows=3002091 loops=1)
-> Hash
-> Filter: (b.w_ytd = 300000.00) (cost=1.15 rows=9) (actual time=0.129..0.156 rows=10 loops=1)
-> Table scan on b (cost=1.15 rows=9) (actual time=0.123..0.147 rows=10 loops=1)
1 row in set (3.67 sec)
此处注意: 虽然官方文档上说可以使用BNL
的hint来启用与禁用 hash join,但是在关联字段上有索引的情况下,优化器不会评估 hash join的代价,也就不会选择 hash join,NO_BNL能够禁用 hash join,但是BNL并不能严格让优化器选择 hash join。
mysql> explain analyze select * from bmsql_order_line a join bmsql_warehouse b on a.ol_w_id=b.w_id where a.ol_dist_info like 'a%' and b.w_ytd =300000.00;
| -> Nested loop inner join (cost=494.86 rows=544) (actual time=0.868..4154.968 rows=115207 loops=1)
-> Filter: (b.w_ytd = 300000.00) (cost=1.15 rows=9) (actual time=0.387..0.476 rows=10 loops=1)
-> Table scan on b (cost=1.15 rows=9) (actual time=0.363..0.417 rows=10 loops=1)
-> Filter: (a.ol_dist_info like 'a%') (cost=1.15 rows=60) (actual time=0.119..414.532 rows=11521 loops=10)
-> Index lookup on a using PRIMARY (ol_w_id=b.w_id) (cost=1.15 rows=544) (actual time=0.109..385.753 rows=300209 loops=10)
1 row in set (4.23 sec)
MySQL8.0 有两种连接方式,选择NL还是 hash join,要看两表关联后返回少量数据还是大量数据,一般情况下,少量数据 NL 优于 hash join,大量数据,hash join 优于 NL。
如果只能选择NL连接(低于MySQL8.0的版本),那么在NL 情况下,是小表驱动大表快还是大表驱动小表快,看大表关联使用的索引是否形成索引覆盖,及关联后返回的数据量。