§ 系统变量参数、状态变量

本节列出 GreatSQL 相对 MySQL 新增的系统变量参数,以及新增的状态变量。

§ 新增系统变量参数

Name Cmd-Line Option File Var Scope Dynamic
audit_log_enabled Yes Yes Global No
audit_log_to_table Yes Yes Global No
clone_encrypt_key_path Yes Yes Global Yes
clone_file_compress Yes Yes Global Yes
clone_file_compress_chunk_size Yes Yes Global Yes
clone_file_compress_threads Yes Yes Global Yes
clone_file_compress_zstd_level Yes Yes Global Yes
enable_data_masking Yes Yes Global Yes
gdb_parallel_load_chunk_size No No Session Yes
gdb_parallel_load_workers No No Session Yes
group_replication_arbitrator Yes Yes Global No
group_replication_broadcast_gtid_executed_period Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_communication_flp_timeout Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_donor_threshold Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_flow_control_max_wait_time Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_flow_control_replay_lag_behind Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_majority_after_mode Yes Yes Global No
group_replication_primary_election_mode Yes Yes Global No
group_replication_request_time_threshold Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_single_primary_fast_mode Yes Yes Global No
group_replication_xcom_cache_mode Yes Yes Global No
group_replication_zone_id Yes Yes Global Yes
group_replication_zone_id_sync_mode Yes Yes Global Yes
innodb_data_file_async_purge Yes Yes Both Yes
innodb_data_file_async_purge_all_at_shutdown Yes Yes Global Yes
innodb_data_file_async_purge_error_retry_count Yes Yes Global Yes
innodb_data_file_async_purge_interval Yes Yes Global Yes
innodb_data_file_async_purge_max_size Yes Yes Global Yes
innodb_data_force_async_purge_file_size Yes Yes Global Yes
innodb_optimize_no_pk_parallel_load Yes Yes Global Yes
lock_ddl_polling_mode No No Session Yes
lock_ddl_polling_runtime No No Session Yes
rapid_checkpoint_threshold Yes Yes Global Yes
rapid_hash_table_memory_limit Yes Yes Global Yes
rapid_memory_limit Yes Yes Global Yes
rapid_temp_directory Yes Yes Global No
rapid_worker_threads Yes Yes Global Yes
replicate_server_mode Yes Yes Global No
rpl_read_binlog_speed_limit Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_foreground_thread Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_log_checkpointer Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_log_flush_notifier Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_log_flusher Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_log_write_notifier Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_log_writer Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_numa_aware Yes Yes Global Yes
sched_affinity_purge_coordinator Yes Yes Global Yes
secondary_engine_parallel_load_workers Yes Yes Session Yes
secondary_engine_read_delay_gtid_threshold Yes Yes Both Yes
secondary_engine_read_delay_level Yes Yes Both Yes
secondary_engine_read_delay_time_threshold Yes Yes Both Yes
secondary_engine_read_delay_wait_mode Yes Yes Both Yes
secondary_engine_read_delay_wait_timeout Yes Yes Both Yes
select_bulk_into_batch Yes Yes Global Yes
shrink_sql_mode Yes Yes Both Yes
tf_udt_table_max_rows Yes Yes Both Yes
use_secondary_engine Yes Yes Session Yes

除了上面列出的在 GreatSQL 中新增的系统变量参数外,其余基于 Percona 相对于 MySQL 新增的变量参数列表参考:List of variables introduced in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 (opens new window)

§ 新增状态变量

Name Var Type Var Scope
Com_alter_trigger Numeric Both
Com_create_package Numeric Both
Com_create_package_body Numeric Both
Com_create_type Numeric Both
Com_drop_package Numeric Both
Com_drop_package_body Numeric Both
Com_drop_type Numeric Both
Com_execute_immediate Numeric Both
Com_compound_sql Numeric Both
Com_insert_all_select Numeric Both
Com_show_create_package Numeric Both
Com_show_create_package_body Numeric Both
Com_show_create_type Numeric Both
Com_show_package_status Numeric Both
Com_show_type_status Numeric Both
Com_show_package_body_code Numeric Both
Com_show_package_body_status Numeric Both
Com_show_sequences Numeric Both
Com_create_sequence Numeric Both
Com_drop_sequence Numeric Both
Com_alter_sequence Numeric Both
Sched_affinity_group_capacity Numeric Global
Sched_affinity_group_number Numeric Global
Sched_affinity_status String Global
group_replication_apply_queue_size Numeric Global
group_replication_applied_messages Numeric Global
group_replication_applied_data_messages Numeric Global
group_replication_applied_events Numeric Global
group_replication_io_buffered_events Numeric Global
group_replication_flow_control_count Numeric Global
group_replication_flow_control_time Numeric Global
group_replication_before_commit_request_time Numeric Global

除了上面列出的在 GreatSQL 中新增的状态变量外,其余基于 Percona 相对于 MySQL 新增的变量参数列表参考:List of variables introduced in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 (opens new window)

